Spring weekend in Barcelona


Spring weekend in Barcelona

I came to Barcelona specifically to follow Gaudí’s steps this time- his architecture makes this city unique and fascinating. His waves and mosaics on building facades are something that I remembered when I visited Barcelona for the first time, and it is the reason why I wanted to come back again – for  Gaudí’s energy.


Imagine life at the beginning of the 20th century – serious gentlemen in black dress coats and silk hats, ladies in tight corsets with little umbrellas strolling through the promenade- talking the same things, living in serious buildings- following all  the conventions…And suddenly there comes Gaudí, and he brakes all the rules of what things can look like..he makes waves where there were sharp corners, vertical columns he replaces with oblique ones, using bright colours, which make everything around brighter. He is brave, his vision is genius. And for all of us, he is an inspiration. 

If you want to see some of Gaudí’s architecture, you shouldn’t miss LA PEDRERA, designed by Antoni Gaudí, and built between 1906 and 1912. The building didn’t respect any rules of conventional architecture, for which Gaudí received a lot of criticism.



CASA BATLLÓ  apartment building in the center of Barcelona combining both modernism and the Art Nouveau style, designed by Gaudí in 1904. When you walk through one of the apartments, you feel uniqueness but at the same time the place makes you feel so comfortable… I felt I could move in straight away. 

CHURCH of COLONIA GÜELL  near Barcelona and not so known, but Gaudí’s style with beautiful ceiling is definitely worth a visit.



SAGRADA FAMÍLIA pride of Barcelona and a treasure of the Art Nouveau architecture. Gaudí combined Gothic and the Art Nouveau style there, which resulted in unique beauty that you can not find anywhere else. Gaudí devoted the rest of his life to this project. Facade of the Cathedrale is being renovated now, so it’s not really possible to take pictures from the outside without some of the cranes in the view. However, you can still go to see the Cathedrale inside..

PARK GÜELL  park designed by Gaudí and was built between 1900 and 1914.The park is the reflection of Gaudí’s unconventional style. When Gaudí designed the park, his style was inspired by organic shapes…which resulted in a beautiful imaginative, ornamental creation.


Hope you got inspired by Gaudí…and Barcelona! So see you there…:) 

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